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Understand Electric Demand
The easiest way to efficiently shift from high demand to low demand hours is to know what are the times that everyone uses loads of appliances and try to veer from it.

Automation is the name of this game
One of the easiest way to move towards efficient use of electricity is to start automating. Automate lighting so that you don’t forget to switch it off when not in use. Automate water pumps so that it shuts after the tanks are filled.
Smart Power Strip
You will be surprised to know that even when you are not using your electric appliances, it sucks power like a vampire……if you have left your appliances plugged in the extension cord. Keep your extension cord smart to avoid vampire power.

You don’t have to sacrifice your TV
We know you don’t want to compromise on home entertainment. You don’t have to. Energy efficiency tells you not to compromise on your wants but to be smart and use entertainment systems that are efficient.

Water & Electricity use, can you see how they fuse?
What a combination it is, between water use and electricity. Understand the relation and learn about the correction.

What others are doing?

More and more countries are working towards becoming energy efficient mostly for the reason of saving the environment. Though Nepal has initiated the effort towards energy efficiency, Nepal can learn and act from the examples listed here.

GERMANY is #1 in EE
In 2014, the Renewable Energy Act (EEG) was updated drastically, and it has been the driving force behind the Energiewende...
INDIA’s Energy Efficient Water System
We will replace inefficient pumps in public water works and sewerage systems at no upfront cost to the municipal bodies...
SINGAPORE’S Save Energy Save Money campaign
To raise public awareness on energy efficient measures, NEA has rolled out the Save Energy Save Money initiative. It encourages households...